Jakarta (ANTARA) - Spelling bintang dari serial televisi "Beverly Hills 90210" beberapa waktu lalu membagi foto masa kecil dua anaknya, Stella Doreen (11) dan Liam Aaron (13).

Foto tersebut diambil ketika Liam berusia 2 tahun dan Stella 1 tahun.

Dalam foto tersebut, Spelling menuliskan keterangan bahwa kedua anaknya itu telah melalui banyak perundungan, dan ia merasa perlu membagikan cerita tersebut dan mengekspresikan dirinya.

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“Sejak tahun terakhir Stella di bangku Sekolah Dasar dan tahun pertamanya di Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Stella telah mengalami begitu banyak perundungan” tulis sang aktris mengenai anak tertuanya.

My two 1st born... they have been thru so much bullying I can no longer not share and express ourselves - Stella is 11. She was 1 in this pic. Innocent little being that only knew unconditional love, honesty, exploration, & kindness. Her beautiful heart, full of hope. Between her last year at her elementary school or the 1st year at her middle school this human has endured enough bullying for a lifetime. Her old school in Encino, we were told she is acting like “ Patient zero” and “she’s playing the victim” & “ we are talking to the parents of that said bully” and “he is trying to change”. He never did! Never any consequences for his actions towards my daughter and other kids. This child’s parents are on the board of the school. They give a lot of money to this school. Financially, we aren’t able too. So, they won. We then moved kiddos to another school. One, that professed feelings and kindness as a priority. This time, my daughter was bullied so bad ( including comments about her weight and sexual things he said that my daughter didn’t even know about.). This school did the right thing and expelled the boy but the damage had been done. She now associates her education with boys that have been so horrific to her. She wanted to empower others girls and be a business leader. She now has panic attacks and doesn’t want to return to school. This girl, 2 years ago told me she wanted to be President or work to empower women daily. - Liam, my 1st born, is a fiesty funny guy. 2 thumbs up in this pic at 2 years old. He graduated last year from Encino but not without the principal telling us he was “ unmotivated “ & lazy. Poor guy thought from way he was treated by her that he was “stupid”. Beyond not the case. He is a hilarious, smart, outgoing, and a creative kind guy! Then, he started his new middle school. Same school as Stella. He was bullied to the point that he developed severe emotional based headaches and stomach aches. This school ( who did help with Stella’s situation) did not help with Liams. He continued to be bullied so bad we had to leave. Was hesitant to post this bc as celebs we are sometimes judged for having problems others have ????#worriedmomma

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“Sekolah lama Stella di Encino mengaku telah berbicara kepada pelaku perundungan dan orangtuanya, tetapi tidak pernah ada konsekuensi yang diberikan” tulisnya.

Spelling juga mencatat bahwa orangtua para perundung merupakan anggota dewan sekolah, yang menyiratkan bahwa anak - anak tersebut mungkin diistimewakan.

Stella kemudian dipindahkan ke sekolah lain, tapi hal itu tidak mengubah apa pun, menurut Spelling.

“Di sekolah yang baru, anak saya kembali mengalami perundungan yang sangat buruk, termasuk komentar mengenai berat badan dan hal–hal seksual. Tapi sekolah kemudian melakukan hal yang benar yaitu mengeluarkan perundung dari sekolah, namun yang terjadi tetaplah terjadi," keluh Spelling.

Spelling bercerita dampak perundungan tersebut menyebabkan Stella kerap mengalami gangguan panik dan menolak untuk kembali sekolah. Sementara Liam kerap mengalami sakit kepala dan sakit perut yang berbasis emosional.

Spelling dan suaminya Dean McDermott menjelaskan bahwa ini bukan pertama kali mereka berurusan dengan perundungan. Januari tahun lalu seseorang telah menuliskan komentar jahat pada foto keluarga yang dipasang Spelling di media sosial.

“Liam lah yang pertama kali menemukan komentar tersebut, kemudian ia bertanya ‘ayah, apakah aku gendut?’ Kemudian aku bilang ‘begini kawan, ada banyak orang jahat di dunia ini dan mereka mengatakan hal – hal jahat ke orang lain’.”

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Penerjemah: Dara Tanjung Maharani dan Maria Rosari
Editor: Suryanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2020